The Massachusetts General Hospital Thoracic Oncology Center (MTOC) and the Lung Cancer Program at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center offer multidisciplinary expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of lung, esophageal, and thymus cancers; cancer that has metastasized to the lung or chest cavity; and other thoracic and chest malignancies. This is a multidisciplinary program established to evaluate patients with all types of thoracic cancers.
Clinicians use a collaborative approach to provide consultations, second opinions, and/or treatment for patients with confirmed or suspected thoracic malignancies. Patients who come to MTOC have access to the latest clinical trials and treatments.
Multidisciplinary Approach
Our thoracic oncology program involves representatives from thoracic surgery, medical oncology, radiation oncology, nursing, social services, and physical and respiratory therapy.
Each patient is individually assessed in a comprehensive fashion by representatives of each discipline. Radiological exams such as x-rays are reviewed by the hospital’s chest radiologists and pathology slides are reviewed by the hospital’s pathology department. This comprehensive approach often let you be seen by all of the disciplines in a single setting.